Monday, June 29, 2015


 You'd be smiling too if you just took a another step forward in becoming a permanent resident of Florida.

Actually, that smile belongs to this fish, believe it or not. It's called a sheepshead. We were forced to learn about this type of fish because one followed us for about an hour while we were swimming a few days ago. We had no idea it had human-like teeth. Wearing my snorkel mask, I came face to face with this innocent looking fish. I have no idea if it goes after humans. It doesn't matter though, after seeing that it has a great set of choppers, I'll know to keep my distance in future.

Yes, it looks like we'll be on a permanent staycation here in the incredibly hot right now, state of Florida.
All that waiting on phone calls and signatures that we've been doing determined our future here in the sunshine state. Our next move hinged on that one signature and today we all finally sat down and doodled our John Hancock.
To alleviate the stress of waiting we've been frequenting the beach. This is our favorite beach so far. It's in Pinellas County and has beautiful white sand but the first several feet out into the water is rocky and rough on the feet (water shoes are a must). If you have a hard time spotting this tranquil beach just...
look for this dazzling smile. Since moving to Florida, I've never seen Mi Miguel smile so genuinely big. You'll only see this sheepshead grin on Mi Miguel on a beach in Florida. He is home and he is happy.
Every time we go swimming I become more comfortable with the water. I can't believe how much learning to swim has changed my life. I don't hang out on the shore much anymore. If  you don't know how to swim, do yourself a favor and learn. 
We know we are both happy now in Florida. We know that we want to stay in Florida. But, our permanent staycation hinges now on the closing. We've signed a contract but now our next goal is the closing. 
If all goes as planned there will be lots of blogging about home renovating.
If things don't go as planned then there will be lots of blogging about shopping for a home. Either way, I'll blog more about it come Thursday. 

Until then, I'm going to keep perfecting my swimming. C'ya Thursday!



  1. I know, right. On top of that, I had a dental appointment today of all days. After seeing those teeth, I for sure wanted to get mine cleaned.

  2. Sounds like the next chapter in your adventure is just beginning! Have fun!

  3. We are making every effort to enjoy life here in Florida. So far, so good.
