Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Florida: 10 Things I Love, Hate, Don't Understand

We've been here twenty-five days now. It's too soon to form opinions about Florida. But, I've pretty much made up my mind about a few things and there are some things that have me confused. Let's start with ten things that I love about Florida.

10. The cool breezy mornings and evenings
 9. The daily sunshine
 8. The abundance of seafood 
 7. The friendly people
 6. The happy vibe
 5. The moss covered trees
 4. The vibrant flowers
 3. The beautiful birds
 2. The wide array of opportunities
 1. The beach/ocean

Now the ten things I hate about Florida:

10. The heat
 9. The pop up, almost daily thunderstorms.
 8. The heat
 7. The LONG traffic lights
 6. The heat
 5. The mosquitoes
 4. The heat
 3. Sweet and sour grouper as a menu option.
 2. The heat
 1. The traffic

Ten things I don't understand about Florida:

10. U-turns in the middle of busy freeways
 9. The recessed bathtubs
 8. Sprinklers that water the road
 7. People bike riding in the heat of the day
 6. Charging folks to go to the beach
 5. The stores getting "Fall Merchandise"
 4. How the moss winds up in all the trees
 3. People feeding seagulls on the beach
 2. No one uses their backyard pool
 1. Obsession with "gated community"
While we continue to wait, Mi Miguel has his lemon tree and lime tree to tend to and they are both still alive. I believe they have grown an inch or so too. Who knew he had a bit of an horticultural thumb! 
I simply have a Brachydactyly Type D thumb and we'll just leave it at that.
The good news is that we may be able to empty one of our storage units soon. I miss some of my things but I learned quickly upon moving here that we sure don't "need" most of our things.
The bare necessities are good and a much easier way of life. It gives us so much more free time to enjoy other things rather than spending so much time cleaning things that aren't necessary in the first place. We now have time in the mornings to...

go for a walk/run and at least every other day we go to the beach to swim. 

We've found some pretty amazing things while swimming in the gulf. Mi Miguel found this really large shell. Even though we continue to be patient while waiting for a home, we both feel like moving to Florida has been a good thing. We both feel stronger, happier and closer than we ever have since our cabin days in Metropolis.

Visit my Florida Restaurants A-Z Facebook Page to read our review on Currents in Tarpon Springs, FL Next up is the letter D.

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