Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Feeling The Heat

No one can agree on much of anything these days. Should we fly this flag or that flag. Should we speak this language or that language. Should a man earn an Olympic medal and be allowed to keep it as a woman. Should Kate continue to be a mother of eight. No one can agree on what's right or wrong or legal anymore.

However, I have noticed that everyone in Florida absolutely agrees on one thing,the fact that it's really hot right now. I've never been one for the heat. Anything past 85 degrees has always been too hot for me. 
But after having to shovel this really long driveway the last two winters, hot summers are my new best friend. In spite of the heat here in this beautiful state...

we still go for our daily walks. We now go early in the morning or late at night. Florida heat is about gently compromising and reasonably negotiating. Actually for me, it's about surviving. I'm not going to lie. I can't take the heat. It does cruel things to me.

Yep, you guessed it. It makes me faint. I've been a fainter since the age of three. The heat is not only brutal on my hair but it has me fainting. I'm so grateful that I don't live in the age of the corset. I'd be loosening mine every afternoon. After a few times of feeling like I'm going down in this heat, I now take everyone's advice and I do my shopping in the morning or in the evening. 
Mi Miguel is fairing much better than I am. If the heat is affecting him, he never let's it show.
He walks around cool, calm and collected in this heat. But then again nothing ever really phases this man. Even all this waiting doesn't affect him. He remains patient, calm and relaxed.

As for me, I'm stressed and I'm constantly throwing my hands in the air, ready to move forward.
It won't be long and we'll know all the logistics of our new journey here in Florida. I just need to calmly put my hands down and keep repeating,"We can do this, we just need to get past July tenth."

While we're waiting, we're going to enjoy and celebrate the weekend with family. We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Fourth Of July keeping in mind what this holiday represents. And so...
before you take a bite from your burger this weekend, stop and think about the importance of being free. 
For those of you following my Florida A-Z Facebook group page, we are on the letter D. I'll be posting about it after the holiday weekend.


  1. It will take a little while, but you'll get used to the heat eventually. I've been here most of my life, and it doesn't bother me that much any more as long as I'm choosy about what time of day I'm outside and how long I stay.

    One thing I will mention in case you haven't seen it in the news is the bacteria issues we are having with both the beaches and the fresh water areas. There are bacteria specific to each, and they can be dangerous and even deadly. If you have any cuts, scratches, or abrasions, you will want to stay out of the water.

    Another thing to be careful about right now is sharks, as they are migrating and are plentiful along our coasts even very close to shore. Humans are not normally on their menu, but during migration they come into close contact with humans and even their investigative bites can take off limbs--and they have done so with some regularity lately. Please just be careful so you can continue to enjoy Florida for a long time yet to come. :)

    I'm glad you're here and that you both love our Sunshine State. I can't imagine living anywhere else.


  2. Thank you for the warm welcome and the advice. For us to only be here a month and to be hit with the heat, shark warnings and bacteria in the water is a little intimidating to say the least. But, in spite of it all, we love it here.

    1. I'm not a pessimist by nature, but I do believe in fair disclosure, and if there's a chance I have information that might save somebody life or limb, I figure it's probably best to share it. Blessings! :)

  3. I appreciate all the information that comes my way. Florida is nothing like the Midwest and takes a lot of adjusting moving to this climate and living by the ocean.
