Friday, September 30, 2016

Loving Life Even When Things Go Wrong

This is why we moved here. We drive along this causeway at least once a week. Yesterday a new friend invited me to walk with her on this beautiful boulevard. This is what it looks like mid-morning.
Mi Miguel and I have wanted to walk this stretch since we've moved here but haven't had a chance. After walking with Diana yesterday, I insisted that Mi Miguel and I get up this morning at sunrise and take Banjo for a walk. She was in scent heaven as she sniffed her way down the walking path. We are learning the hard way that she has to have a fast paced walk or run every single morning.
If we don't keep Banjo busy, she gets pretty bored and guilt-stares me while I'm working on our fixer upper. It's been raining a lot of an evening, so she hasn't been able to run much at the park.
Yaaaaawwwwwwn, bored Banjo with stored up energy isn't a good thing. In case you missed it on my Facebook timeline, this is our latest adventure with Our Girl Banjo...
We got the truck all dried out and cleaned up from the downpour yesterday morning. Yesterday evening our air conditioner leaked water all over the garage floor where we of course have stored boxes and furniture items. We worked until the wee hours of the night to get that mess all dried up and cleaned up. Luckily, it wasn't too hot overnight, a few fans whirling our direction kept us comfortable enough to sleep well. 
We get up this morning, Mi Miguel is working from home because the a/c man is coming today. I take Banjo out to do her dog business. I put her back in the house. I tell her to, "Stay." I go back out to clean up after her. 
The door apparently didn't latch because here she comes barreling out of the house full speed ahead. I'm looking at her like, Oh my God!. She is just bouncing, jumping and running like a bull at a rodeo. I've never seen her so rambunctious. She then takes off through the back yards. I come in to get Mi Miguel so he could help me with her. He's in the shower. I'm panicking, running back outside to be greeted by my neighbor lady still in her jammies. "Pam, Pam, Banjo is loose, did you know that?"
Before I could utter a word in reply, Banjo comes barreling in between the two of us, takes off again and full body swipes their spigot at the side of their house. Water starts spraying all over the place.
I go over to turn the spigot off but it's already turned off and yet water is spraying heavily everywhere. I'm squatted at the spigot soaked from head to waist. The neighbor lady grabs Banjo's leash. Banjo doesn't like her holding her leash so she struggles and pulls on the leash to get to me so she can get to the water to get a drink. 
Banjo is about to pull the neighbor lady right off of her feet because she has the strength of Hercules with that neck of hers. 
I get up, run over and grab Banjo's leash and bring her inside and yell for Mi Miguel (who just stepped out of the shower) to get outside as fast as he can. He comes running out. The neighbor lady's husband comes running out, water is still spraying everywhere.
I get Banjo all situated and safe inside and go back outside to see that the neighbor man is soaked, Mi Miguel is soaked and yet Banjo, well, she's inside sprawled out on her memory foam bed, dry as a bone.
The two men ascertain that Our Girl Banjo hit their water main pipe so hard that it busted it. A plumber is on his way. Wowser! I'm in shock, thinking this is really going to cost us.   
Banjo, Banjo, Banjo, what on earth got into you girl??? Back to day one with the puppy training. I just realized while searching for a good neighbor meme, that Banjo wreaked havoc in the neighborhood on Wednesday, September 28, 2016. It was National Good Neighbor Day. Who knew? Apparently Banjo did, because she had a fantastic time celebrating this "unbeknownst to me" national day. Mi Miguel and I are very blessed to have such great neighbors. It's one of our favorite things about living here in Florida.
Even though we've had a rough week in some ways, we also had a good week. A few days ago, I spotted a grill like this one, along the curb. I let Mi Miguel know about it. We walked down later that evening and decided that we could refurbish the grill rather than let it go to a landfill, where I'm sure there are plenty of "old" grills that simply need a good refurbishing. We got it all cleaned up, bought a propane tank and we've been grilling every evening since then.
We're going over to our neighbor's house tomorrow for a dinner party. I can't wait to tell them that Banjo wasn't wreaking havoc, she was simply celebrating a very special day. Now that we have our "new" to us rescued grill, I think we should have them over for a barbecue, don't you?
All of my blog posts are on my Facebook Page: Florida Warmth and Water. It's easier to sort through the posts that way,click the link below.

We've been dining at eclectic restaurants alphabetically since moving to Florida. We're on the letter V now. Check out where we've been so far.  

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