Thursday, June 23, 2016

Frogs, Dogs and Blogs

This little guy was by our back door a few nights ago. Love his dotted digits. There is so much nature in our yard. It makes me happy because we have no time for the trails or any thing fun lately.
We do have the 9x11 master closet all built and finished. We can't figure out why there is a smudge in the fresh paint on the closet wall. She can be a little rambunctious and precocious.
But, she is "ring the bell" potty trained so the paint smudge isn't that big of a deal in the bigger scheme of things. 
We do have the living room filled with furniture at this point. Mi Miguel still needs to pull out three things that he doesn't want in there. I will do the same and pull out three things that I don't want in there. Once we have it all set, the search for a rug will begin. 
I love this little piece but not quite sure what to do with it. I think my inspiration has been running a little dry lately. Is it a coffee table, a foot rest or best left in a closet someplace?
Even though the every day person doesn't see the little 0's and 1's in the computer world, it doesn't mean that they no longer exist. They are still alive and well inside your computer. I'm thinking about trying to make one of these necklaces so Mi Miguel will look my way more often. It's an IT software engineer wouldn't understand unless you're married to one. 
We've been feeling so extremely tired lately. I know fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods are the best thing to eat in order to stay alert, active and happy. However, the easy to grab and go foods have been our diet lately. We're feeling it too.
While begrudgingly finishing our closet. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to go for a more neutral, clean look...
or a fun coastal look. But, we've chosen our color and painted the wall units and such. Now, we are happy to announce that we've went with the neutral look. As soon as I get all of our clothes, shoes and whatnot organized, I'll post photos of it.
We are all so very tired. We really do need to take a break and get out more. A full time job sounds like such a vacation to me right now. Banjo, has no clue what it's like to live without all this chaos. She really doesn't mind. She sleeps through it all.

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