Thursday, December 24, 2015

Staking Our Pergola Claim

 We spent the weekend trying to get our ducks, or coots in a row as the case may be here in our Florida canal.
We've measured, marked and staked our spot.
Once everything was exactly the way we wanted it, we added an extra foot to the width and an extra two feet to the depth. You can never have enough space for a table and chairs.

This is a very basic draft of our game plan. I've been working on the details and drawing up a more specific plan in order to figure out a way to turn this simple draft into...
this charming patio with a pergola. We can do this, right?
We selected several different pavers and stepping stones to isolate on our cart. We began our usual process of elimination by taking turns removing the ones we didn't like. We've settled on what we think will work for us and brought half of what is needed to see if we like it in our own backyard.  
We still have an incredible amount of work ahead of us. But all in all, I'd say we definitely have our coots in a row now. Before construction begins, we are off to celebrate our Christmas with a romantic getaway. Mi Miguel and I wish all of our gentle readers a safe and happy holiday!


  1. I wish you and your guy the best in this time of celebration! Do pace yourself friend. God bless you and keep your family close... speak with you in the New Year!
